Creatures of heat ruled the cracking land. Monsters, as large as small spheres1 and born of hot sea, when all was water. The creatures of heat kept the holes sealed with their might. However, soon all was holes and the creatures fell into the holes.
The creatures that remained were larger than all bodies, larger than all holes. The age of giants was upon the land of holes.
The age of giants was cruel. They were all the eaters, they were all the food. Some moved from one place to another, in search of nourishment. Some jumped as far as their feet could carry them. Some jumped high and reached the spheres, and some jumped beyond the spheres, never to be seen again. Some hunted. Some sought guidance in Farfa.
To the giants Farfa said:
Know us, and us alone, and the age of giants will never end. Deny us, and from your corpses will rise another age.
In wall surrounded settlements, the prophets were hunted by the larger creatures. Still the land got cold. And the prophets prepared for the big cold. They sealed the holes with their stages. Enter age of prophets.
Sphere - the closest translation for the word “Markam”, which means “all things circular that can float”. When used with the temporal form, it more specifically means, “space spheres”. Therefore, “small spheres” could be translated to “asteroids” or “moons”. ↩︎