From the grand stage that he erected, to the masses in the city of Holath, the great prophet Goareth, first true messenger of Farfa upon all lands, called;
The lord of heat, the great almighty, preserver of life, curator of death. The true monarch of all spheres, master upon all creation.
Hear our cries of acknowledgement for we know ye and thy work. Hear us, oh patron of warmth, for we wish to serve ye and spread thy truth, until thy beaming presence penetrates every crack and fills every hole with thine illuminating wisdom and kindness, for which we are ever grateful. Oh hot lord, we are ever at thy mercy and expect nothing. Thine ears are in every hole and thy burning heart is ever lasting.
Let us live in thy light. Let us eat in thy light. Let us build stages to celebrate thy bright eternal flame. Let our enemies fall into fear and despair, all those who deny ye, and look upon ye with no shard of reverence in their worthless being. Let them know ye in all thy glory, for they are doomed to perish in thy radiance, they are destined to be extinguished by thy humbling glow.
As ye foretold - only ash will remain, and from the ashes, new races will inherit this land. Still, oh that of endless might, please spare us, please hear our plea. For the heirs of this land won’t know of thy true heat. Let us stay here, on these stages that we have erected for ye and guide them in their conquest of thy land.
Goareth, son of Kanf, made from the union of Goatesh and Yuok. Three stages in Holath were constructed by Goareth. Two of which he erected himself and the third was put into place by the disciple Noak of Jun.